Content Creator

Attention! This job posting is 1751 days old and might be already filled.
People Spotter Published: 22/07/2019
New York, NY
Job Type



We are in need of the services of a content creator who is aware of the concept of targeted marketing and understands the psyche of the target audience of the content that is needed to be produced. It is required that the output should be of sufficiently high quality so that it passes the requirements of the editor. It is preferred that the candidate is a very good writer whose words will immediately strike the end reader so it is required that he/she should be able to come up with a communicative approach for this task.


First of all, the candidate should have at least two years’ experience in sales pitch writing. Besides that, at least 3 years of overall writing experience is also required. Any additional experience may make the application stronger. The ability to work in a team is essential in this position. The candidate should work in collaboration with the development team to understand the workings of the product to be able to write the correct description for it.


  • A bachelor’s degree in English Language is required.